Standard Policy
Hosiden Kyushu Corporation is a manufacturer of consumer and automotive electronic components with a focus on microphones,
and we therefore shall provide high quality products that satisfy our customers under the slogans below while advocating quality and environmental policies,
and conducting high standard corporate activities in consideration of the global environment.

Quality Slogan
“Selling peace of mind and satisfaction to customers around the world”
Environmental Slogan
“For the future of a people-friendly planet”
Quality Policy
In order to provide products that instill satisfaction and trust in our customers,
we will pursue an agenda of zero defects with quality first as the basis of our actions.

We comply with customer requirements, laws and regulations, as well as our internal systems.
Our goal is to realize product design backed by scientific evidence and manufacturing processes based on a field-oriented approach, while conducting thorough preventive management through reliable evaluation and verification.
Each and every one of us will always think from the customer’s perspective and endeavor to improve quality.
Environmental Policy
Based on the Hosiden Group’s management philosophy that “Preservation of the global environment is a crucial issue common to all humankind,”
we will conduct ourselves with respect for biodiversity and consideration toward the global environment in all aspects of our business activities.

We will establish a promotion organization and continuously improve it so that all our employees can pursue environmental conservation activities through their business activities.
We will set and systematically implement targets for reducing environmental impact.
We will comply with domestic and international laws, regulations, and social requirements, so as to work to prevent pollution and reduce environmental impact.
We will promote development and design that take into account the reduction of environmentally hazardous substances, energy and resource conservation, promotion of recycling, and reduction of waste matter throughout the life cycle of products.
We will raise awareness of environmental issues through education on the environment and public relations activities, and provide ongoing support so that employees themselves can carry out environmental conservation activities responsibly.