Basic Policy on the Protection of Personal Information

Hosiden Kyushu Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) acquires and uses personal information such as the company name, name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “personal information”) of customers, persons in charge or related parties of business partners, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “the individual”) in order to smoothly facilitate our business.
The Company recognizes the importance of properly protecting and handling such personal information while ensuring its accuracy and security, and to this end, we handle personal information in accordance with the following policy.

  1. The Company shall comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations, the “Guidelines (General Rules) on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information” and the “Supplementary Rules for the Handling of Personal Data Transferred from within the EU by virtue of Sufficiency Certification under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information” that are mandatory to be complied with and handles personal data appropriately. The Company shall also strive to continuously improve and enhance the handling of personal information as appropriate.
  2. The Company shall establish regulations regarding the handling of personal data and ensure that all employees are familiar with these regulations. The Company shall also request that contractors, etc. to whom it outsources personal data handling operations handle personal data in an appropriate manner.
  3. When acquiring, using, or providing personal information, the Company shall specify, publicly announce, or notify the purpose of use, and handle personal information in accordance with that purpose.
  4. In order to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal data, the Company shall establish an appropriate management system, appoint a person responsible for personal information management, and take necessary measures for appropriate management. The Company shall also continuously improve this management system to ensure that it conforms to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations.
  5. The Company shall respect the rights of the individual with respect to the personal data in its possession, and shall respond to requests from the individual for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to a third party of the personal data in our possession, in accordance with the law.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The Company shall collect personal information necessary for the execution of its business, which will be used for the following purposes. In addition, in order to facilitate the smooth operation of its business, the Company may outsource a part of its business that handles personal data and provide personal data to such outsourced companies to the extent necessary. In such cases, the Company shall enter into a contract with such contractors regarding the handling of personal information and conduct other appropriate supervision.

  1. For production activities of the Company’s products
  2. For sales promotion activities of the Company’s products
  3. For responding to inquiries from customers regarding the Company’s products
  4. For administering general meetings of shareholders and other operations related to shareholders and share administration
  5. For recruitment activities in the Company

Inquiries About Personal Data in Our Possession

The Company shall establish a contact point for inquiries regarding the disclosure of personal data in its possession, and will respond to such inquiries without delay and to a reasonable extent in accordance with the law.
The General Affairs Section is in charge of handling such correspondences.
Phone: +81-949-42-2311 
8:00-17:00 (Monday-Friday)

Implementation and Improvement of This Policy

The Company shall ensure that its directors, employees, and contractors handling personal data are fully aware of and implement this policy, and will strive to continually improve its autonomous management rules and systems for the protection of personal information.

Changes to This Policy

This policy is subject to change as necessary.

Revised April 1, 2019
Hosiden Kyushu Corporation